
I've felt this guys frustration

For anyone who has ever listened to a certain child play a song over, and over, and over, and over... well this is exactly how I feel about that.

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Inauguration Litter

This guy had the right idea, and I for one applaud the effort.

Unfortunately, other people didn't hear the message, and this is how it turned out.

And this...

You know as a conservative I get tired of hearing about how much more respectful of the environment the left is. Especially when I see something like this.

George Bush Monument Defaced

This story is actually a little pedestrian, but I noticed that in one of the pictures they blurred out parts of the image. It looks like a dove to me and makes me wonder why they would blur that our... Unless the media really does like to cover up for the radical hippy left.

Take a look, and tell me what you think.


Take a moment to let the President Bush know you care.

I have given President Bush a heart felt thank you (number 2,035) Please go to this site and send him one also.

Mission 1 Accomplished

Gov. Patterson on the vacant senate seat... AND MORE!

All the politically astute around know that New York has lost one of it's senators. The blogosphere has been chomping at the bit about the appointment that NY Gov. Patterson seems almost set to appoint Caroline Kennedy to the position, and while I agree that it is a moronic choice, it has blinded people to many of the other statements that are being made during this occasion. Watch the video below, and then read on for my analysis of what the real issue is.

If you notice at the end of the clip Gov. Patterson makes a key acknowledgment. Not only are white Americans celebrating the day that a black man becomes the next President of the United States, many of these white people (myself included) did not vote for the man, and are worried about his policy positions.

I reserve great admiration and respect for the office of the presidency. President Obama is my president every much as he is Ted Kennedy's. When he makes policy decisions that I take issue with I will be vocal about it. Until then, and even during those times, I will give him the respect that is due his office.

The big elephant of a news story that seems to be ignored here is the hatred and vitriol that exists on the left en mas that does not bear nearly as prominent a position on the right. How different would the world view us today if the left had been accepting and congratulatory of George W. Bush as Republicans are being of President Obama?

The radical and insane hatred of former President Bush on the left has made the rest of the world think of us as a house devided. Let us prove to them that they are alone in this type of reflective hate, and say to President Obama, "Well done, you have garnered our respect due to the status of your office. Use it wisely."

Change is here /sarcasm

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