Explain something to me. For the last week I've been pondering an occurrence. I was invited to attend the Rolling Stones concert last week by a friend of mine. It was a great night, but during the show Mick Jagger felt the need to take a swipe at our President. Being a conservative I’m used to this, but the guy on my right was incensed by the audacity of the statement. He turned to me and said, “I’m a Democrat, but he has no right to come over here and say that!” I let out a heartfelt “Amen”, and left it at that.
After the show we went out and had a bite to eat and talked. This guy was really steamed! I started to explain why I wasn’t as upset by it as he was, but as soon as the words “I’m a Republican” slipped out of my mouth, he went the complete opposite direction. Finally I talked him back from the ledge and was able to explain to him. This is everyday life for a conservative. We hear it on TV, read it in the News, and get it in music all day long. If we got bent out of shape every time it happened we’d never get anything done.
Since then I’ve had the opportunity to talk to him about several of the asinine statements from the left. Today he called me asking if I’d heard what John Kerry said. I told him I had and then listened to him rant. Finally I told him, “Dude, you are the worst Democrat ever!”
I think we’re still friends!