
A lesson in Off-Roading

I don't think that any two people who walk the same path in this life. Mine undoubtedly differs from any of yours. That being said, there are simular cross sections in every one of the paths that we walk. We cross them differently, some turn right, some left, I chose to go off-road for a bit.

We've all been down some tough roads, and most of us have found our way back, or at least we are trying to. The thing that really bothers me is knowing the right path to take, and feeling utterly helpless to get to it. It's like seeing a a river in the desert, but being so tired and hot that you can't find the energy to get to it. I feel that way right now.

I know what I need to do in order to pull things into check, but knowing and doing are two totally seperate issues. But, I push ahead, I'm enrolling in school, and working hard. I'm married to an amazing woman, and have a great kids, but there is the rub. As great as the kids are, they are still dumb as stumps. Now, I'm not saying that to be mean, all kids are idiots... Yes, yours too. The most frustrating experiences one will ever know in life is parenting. We want for our children to learn from our mistakes, we tell them exactly what is going to happen if they do something, but they do it anyway. Suprise! Exactly what we said would happen does happen!

The saddest part is watching the next group falling in line behind them, and watching them start the same cycle. I know why God sent the Flood...


Kim and family said...
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Janika said...

So were you trying to make the point that your Father in Heaven in patient with your stupid little off-road trips and that you wish you had his loving patience when you watch the kids do the stupid, off-track things they do because you understand that they need loving patience as much as you do, and deserve it more? Yeah, a great flood is called for now and then, but sometimes it just takes an earthquake or hurricane.

Kim and family said...

I left a comment and said too much and choose to delete it.

Yamaha Drummer said...

I had read your comment Kim, and appreciated your sentiment. I believe in the old saying, "You can't build a House without a Hammer."

Children need love and affection, but they also need structure, and discipline.

Bad Janika, Bad girl...

Janika said...

I might change, but you like me bad.

Kim and family said...

I like this piece of advice I was given. "No" is a complete sentence.

Janika said...

You could blog again if you weren't so busy gloating in you posts for school, Mr. "Substantial."

Kim and family said...

Maybe all the womanly banter in comments has scared him off

James Quigley said...

Kids have different learning styles...some kids learn from watching...those we call smart. Other kids learn from doing. Those we call dumb. But it's not that they're dumb...they're just like you and me...ok. Maybe they are dumber.

Still...we aren't judged by how close we are to the river...remember, we are only judged by how badly we want the river and which direction we are facing when we die... so if you really want the river, fine, but if you really really want it, pull yourself there, man! just keep clawing. It will show...or at least pray that god will make your offroading haunts into a highway to heaven...what that metaphore means is to pray that your particular brand of sin will become finally acceptable...maybe in next priesthood session..."Bretheren, home-teaching is no longer necessary!" Well, we can dream, right?