
Simply Incredible

I hear it everyday in innuendo and plainly stated, "Republicans are RACIST". I've heard how boorish and faux masculine I am. Even more I've seen the pictures of the rallies that are held in the liberal hot beds on the East and West Coasts. But most of all I've seen the vendors selling t-shirts and such outside of Obama rallies, the ones that say charming things like "Sarah Palin is a Cu!@. The one thing I have never seen is Obamas supporters stand up to these radicals and tell them to stop. That this is not acceptable behavior, and the other party deserves respect.

Well, once again the Republican party is being the grown ups, while the Democrats live the Lord of the Flies life. Watch here as we police our own, and tell the nut cases on the right that they have stepped out of bounds.

1 comment:

Janika said...

There are only two and a half parties, and everybody has to fit in there somehow, but since republicans don't have inclusion disease, we don't have to support all the riff-raff that tries to attach to our party. Democrats can't do anything to stifle what would remotely be defined as free speech. That's why they are so much better at being extremists and nut cases.