
Chicago’s Out, Obama’s Done

Who could have seen this coming? This time last year Obama was golden, he was going to re-define the world's view of America. Today he has officially become the Jimmy Carter clone that many of us said he would be.

Let me be clear (to borrow his phrase), Obama has trounced upon this country in every venue he has been to. Maybe the fact that he didn't have a strong family unit played into this. You see, all of us who grew up with siblings know that no matter how badly we talk about our brothers, and no matter how many times we fight with them, it is never acceptable to allow others to do the same. My brother and I used to beat the stuffing out of each other on a regular basis, but it was never acceptable for anyone else to do so. The world feels the same way, I'm sure the French talk about their countries flaws amongst themselves, but if Jaques Chirac were to do that on the national stage his countrymen would turn against him in a very decided manner.

So when he shows up at the IOC and starts to talk about his country (more himself than his country, but hey his ego is bigger than Alaska and Texas combined), and makes little back handed jabs at our society it doesn't sit well with other people… even the ones who agree with him. Here are a few ways he could have spent his time more productively than going on a fun run to Copenhagen.

  1. Give General McChrystal a call. You have only talked with him once since you got into office, maybe you should actually listen to the man who is in charge over in Afghanistan. He has said that more troops are needed or the mission will end in failure. In case you missed this line from the job description the President is the Commander in Chief of the armed forces; that means YOU are supposed to make them a priority above paying back political favors to you Chicago friends.
  2. Remember the "Stimulus" that you said was needed immediately or else unemployment would hit record highs, and the U.S. economy would continue downward? Well, you got your wish; congress gave you what amounts to a $182,000,000,000 check (CBO numbers including the "tax cuts" to people who don't pay income tax anyway). Nine months later only 10% of the stimulus has been spent, and unemployment is at a record high 9.8%. Either stop the spending of the stimulus or, get on with it. If it was cancelled Wall street would have a banner week, and if it was actually spent then there would be a short term boost. Either way pick a path and get trucking.
  3. Address the ACORN issue. In case you've been hanging out in the bunker for the past month, ACORN has been exposed as the criminal enterprise it has always been. Your campaign paid $800,000 to ACORN for their Get Out the Vote efforts, and you have past affiliations with them as a trainer and community organizer. I know people largely gave you a pass in the last election on your dubious connections (Rev. Wright, William Ayers, ect.), but your shine has dulled. If you plan on running for re-election in 2012 then I highly suggest you stop blaming everybody else, and get out in front of this scandal. We all know that this ACORN mess is going to just get worse as the investigations go on. You were willing to call a white cop's actions stupid when you didn't know the facts of the case, why aren't you willing to call ACORN out knowing a lot more about them?

I wasn't coherent when Carter was president. But I do remember the lame duck status of Bill Clinton's second term. Right now this President Obama looks just as lame, but even more so due to his arrogance. I can see a swing in both houses of congress next year, and someone else in the White House in 2012 (if I were a Democrat I'd be looking for someone else to run for the Presidency in 2012). It's going to take a lot of work to save this presidency, and I don't think President Obama is good at actual work, he is the empty suit stereotype incarnate.



1 comment:

Janika said...

You have a lot to say lately. It is good to hear from you.