As you can see below I started to write a novel... I decided to post it on my blog and see what anyone had to say about the writing/plot. I'm in the process of writing the second chapter, and since I have not yet done a full plot outline (I know my English teachers would be very upset with me). I'd like your feedback. My lovely wife has added a comment, but i am very interested to hear what the rest of you think about it.
I wrote 3 blog entries in one day on Thursday morning and no one has commented on them as of "Sunday morning" when you are at the Co-lo. I am disowning my blog family and blogging strictly for myself. I don't care what they have to say about any of it. Love me
You know I love you honey... As much a I complain about people not posting to my blog, I'm just as guilty of not posting other people's blogs!
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