
Win one for the Gipper

The people in my office are having their annual weight loss contest. Since this is my first year here, I have valiantly thrown caution to the wind, and my hat in the ring. Here are the ground rules. Everyone pays $10 and weighs in, and then has to lose 10 lbs by the 15th of Febuary. If you are among the people who are able to lose 10 lbs by the 15th then you can take your share of the winnings and go buy a Whataburger double-meat with cheese, or you can double down, throw in another 10 spot and maintain for a month.

First things first. I could probably lose the weight by the specified time if all I did was cut the Dr. Peppers out of my diet. If I also started to moderate my food intake then I could probably drop even more. Of course excercise is a double edged sword for me. I would definitely loose the fat, but my body likes to pack on muscle, and we all know that it weighs more than fat.

Either way Janika is getting a sexier play-thing, and we all know that there is no downside to that.


Janika said...

Guess I have to go to my husband's blog to find out whats going on with him. This is the first I've heard of a weight loss competition. It would probably help if you had decent meals at home, but it seems we haven't had one of those in over a week.

Kim and family said...

Sexy-play things just create more babies and you guys are better than most producing 2 at a time. I lost weight about almost 7 years ago and then I had Hannah. Good luck though. I am at it again(losing weight thing, done with babies) and Dr pepper is my big vice as well.

Yamaha Drummer said...

We are brilliant at that one thing... If only there was a way to turn that into a money making venture? HHHmmmmm? Anyway, precautions have been taken by Janika to ensure that we have no more spawn. I am still considering taking care of matters on my end as well, just to be double sure.